From our comfort guarantee to our lowest price guarantee, we promise to consistently provide you and your family top-quality service.

You can count on our 100% Satisfaction Guarantees
- Comfort Guarantee: We guarantee that the system(s) we have installed in your home will heat or cool your home as we stated. If the temperature we have promised is not achieved, we will replace the system at no charge.
- ” No Surprises” Guarantee: Once the work starts, the price quoted is the price you pay, even if the job entails more than estimated.
- 30% Utility Savings: We guarantee your system will save you 30% off your heating and cooling cost or we will refund double the difference.
- Property Protection Guarantee: All property such as lawns, shrubbery, carpeting, floors, walls, furniture and door frames are protected. Damaged property will be replaced or repaired. Protective shoe covers and hall runners will be used on all work and traffic areas.
- Lowest Price Guarantee: You are assured the best value. If you find a lower price on the same equipment, installation, guarantees, warranties, and procedures, we will refund the difference plus $100!!!. All we ask is that the comparison be” apples to apples.
- 12 month 100% Money-Back: We guarantee that the equipment that we installed will perform as we have stated. If the system does not heat or cool your home to your satisfaction, we will remove it and return 100% of your investment.
Contact the Experts at A/C Contractors Today
We offer all of our customers personal air conditioning and heating solutions and recommend the highest quality products from trusted brands that best suit your daily needs, operational expectations and budget.
We believe in providing the best services, and customer service, to all of Longview and Tyler, TX. That’s why we have a variety of workmanship and product warranties plus our Fixed Right or It’s Free™ guarantee.